Faith Academy is now accepting applications for the 2025 - 2026 school year.
The 2025 - 2026 Application Package is available below.
The early application deadline is set for February 28, 2025.
Download the following documents:
You must have Adobe Reader to view and print the forms.
Priority admission will be given to students with siblings already attending Faith Academy.
New students must submit a copy of their most recent report card, photo, and birth certificate.
Any students applying for Grades 7 – 12 will also need to complete the Supplementary Application Form which is contained in the Application Package.
Completed form(s) can be emailed, faxed (204-582-2616), or dropped off at any of the school’s offices.
Kindergarten to Grade 8 registration inquiries, contact Chris Franczyk, Director of Student Services, ph:204-582-3400.
For High School registration inquiries, contact the High School Office, ph:204-582-3400.
The registration fee must be paid before students begin attending school on the first day of school.
Please note that no student should hesitate to apply because the family cannot afford tuition.
Contact the Director of Student and Financial Services, Chris Franczyk (204-582-3400) for possible alternatives.
The school’s Administration will interview all new students together with their families and may interview returning students, as appropriate. New students may be accepted following their interviews provided that space is available and that all registration details are in order.
Returning students should submit their application by the early application deadline. No spaces are held for returning students following that date. Students with siblings already registered in the school do receive priority admission.
The school uniform consists of a school shirt with jeans/dress/cargo pants that are blue or black.
Uniform shirt options for K-4 includes navy blue or red t-shirts or Faith Academy Hoodie.
Uniform shirt options for Grade 5 – 8 include navy, brown and black t-shirts and blue and black school hoodies.
Uniform shirt options for the high school include black, navy, purple and brown school t-shirts; blue and black school hoodies.
T-shirts can be purchased at the offices for $10 each.
Hoodies are ordered occasionally throughout the year. Check with the campus office for the next order date.
Faith Academy endeavours to provide school bus service to those students who require this type of service and reside in specific catchment areas. Due to the number of requests that are received each year not every request can be accommodated, and therefore a priority list has been developed to outline how the school will honour bus requests.
The priority list is as follows:
·Priority #1 – is to accommodate families who reside more than 1.6 km from the Matheson Campus
·Priority #2 – is to accommodate students who are enrolled in Kindergarten to Grades 6 and live beyond the 1.6km boundary.
·Priority #3 – is to accommodate students who are enrolled in Grades 7-9 and live beyond the 1.6km boundary.
·Priority #4 – is to accommodate students who are enrolled in Grades 10-12 and live beyond the 1.6km boundary.
Consideration will be given to students who do not reside close to Metro transit routes.
Sometimes, severe weather causes us to cancel buses. The general rule is that if the temperature combined with the wind chill is -45C or colder as registered at The Forks (as posted by Environment Canada at 6:00 a.m.), we cancel buses for the whole day but the school usually remains open. Faith Academy follows the lead of all metro Winnipeg school divisions (specifically the Seven Oaks School Division) based on this rule.
Selected radio stations will also announce bussing cancellations. They usually broadcast cancellations every 15 minutes. You can also check local radio stations on the Internet.
If we have not announced or posted a cancellation alert, buses are running.
Please do not call our school offices or media outlets. Doing so ties up phone lines. Instead, please access the information as outlined above.
In the event of severe weather:
Everyone is asked to listen to the media for announcements regarding bus cancellations and/or school closures.
If transportation is cancelled in the morning, the cancellation will apply for the whole day.
If it is necessary to close the school early during the day because of severe weather, students will be dismissed early. Those students using the bus service will be bused home.
The decision to close the school will be made by the Superintendent of Faith Academy in consultation with the Director of Transportation.
Limited busing is available for students.
Please contact Chris Franczyk, Director of Student Services, ph:204-582-3400 for more information.
Faith Academy has a before and after school program for students in Kindergarten to Grade 4 which allows parents to drop children off before school starts and after school has finished. The program starts at 7:55 am and all students must be picked up by 4:55 pm.
Parents must call and inform the school before their child(ren) may participate in the program. A fee is charged for each day that the child is in the program which will be charged to the family through a monthly invoice.